The 2024 Peace & Justice Youth Conference is a youth led-adult supported, in person conference for NYC based youth ages 11-21 (middle school, high school and college). It was joyful day of community building games, youth-led social justice workshop presentations, artistic performances and youth participatory action research YPAR based on our themes of “peace, justice, safety & belonging”.
It was held on Saturday May 4th, 2024 from 10am-5pm In Brooklyn, at Boerum Hill School for International Studies (BHS)
We featured youth-led workshops by Girls For Gender Equity (GGE), Student & Educators for Equity, The Ya-Ya Network, Youth Power Coalition, H.O.L.L.A., EJ-ROC, Malikah, ArtsConnection, Arte and Resistance Through Education (ARTE), IntegrateNYC, Bronx Academy for Software Engineering (BASE) High School, The Circle Keepers & Restorative Justice Initiative.
We featured Artivist keynote performances by viBe! Theater Experience, NYC Youth Poet Laureate Stephanie Pacheco, BHS's Early Bird Music Band and CCM's Step Team.
We hosted the first ever Peace & Justice policy Roundtable moderated by The Circle Keepers, featuring The Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander's Chief Equity Officer Sadye Campoamor, Alliance For Quality Education (AQE) co-director Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari, NYC Parent/community organizer and The Circle Keepers' director of care and community Tajh Sutton, long-term parent/education advocate and PEP member Tazin Azad & others.
This conference is produced in partnership with the love, care & support of NYC Service, Brownsville Community Justice Center, District 39 Council Member Shahana Hanif, The Ya-Ya Network, and Boerum Hill School for International Studies. We are forever grateful for their solidarity and for going above & beyond to provide labor and economic support to see this dream come through, in our shared pursuit of leaving the world better than we found it!